10 Oct Social Media Etiquette: How to Help, Not Hurt, Your Reputation
There are people out there, some call them trolls, who seem to have made it their life’s mission to post negative things on the internet and social media. However, companies shouldn’t allow the fear of these comments to keep them away from social media. Instead, try these tips to help boost a positive image about your work:
- Setting up social media accounts in addition to your traditional website ensures that when internet users search for your company, the front page of the search engine will populate with pages containing content that you create: your website, your Facebook, you YouTube, your Twitter.
- Even if you aren’t ready to expand onto all social media sites yet, secure your brand now by identifying yourself as the business owner. You don’t want to have to deal with an imposter who’s scooped up your site because it was left unattended. Most sites do offer services to help shut down an imposter, but the process can take months, or even years!
- Reach out to your loyal customers to let them know about your pages and ask them to provide a positive review. Reward them!
- Be active and responsive on your sites. Happy customers will return and the unwarranted negative comments will dwindle. Customers especially thrilled about good customer service or a unique personal interaction with your company may even share their story directly with their friends and followers.