15 Feb Ask Questions!
The Lett Group would like to thank our Associate, Arnold Sanow for his input in becoming successful.
According to Dorothy Leeds, Author of Smart Questions, Power Speak and Marketing Yourself, there are 15 questions to help you uncover needs, build relationships and gain commitment. Whether you or someone else is selling your speaking services or products ask these questions:
Uncovering Needs:
* Do you use outside professional speakers/trainers?
* When will you next be using a speaker?
* Who, beside yourself, is involved in the decision-making process?
* How is the decision made?
* What is your usual budget for a speaker?
Building Relationships:
* How do you feel about this?
* What are your biggest challenges in putting together a conference?
* How would you suggest we go about setting this up?
* What’s most important to you when hiring a speaker?
* What can I do to make your decision-making process easier?
Gaining Commitment … ABC’s … Always Be Closing
* Does that answer your question? (if the answer is yes, then go ahead and close. If it’s not, then probe further)
* How does that sound to you?
* Where do we go from here?
* What specifically about this speaker or product is making you hesitate? (if there are objections, you want to get them out in the open so you can answer them)
* What would we (I) have to do to be on the top of your list?