Social Media Etiquette: Rules for Corporate Online Communication

Social Media Etiquette: Rules for Corporate Online Communication

So, you’ve decided to enter the world of social media for business. Before you involve your employees, be sure to create the proper policies and set expectations. This will lay out the ground rules, which will ultimately ensure that the image you want portrayed is actual the image that is being posted.

Here are a few tips for setting up a policy that not only protects the content of your official pages, but also what your employees are posting during business hours:

  • Use the term “official” in all of your business social media profiles and track down any rogue accounts that may be using “official” on their pages.
  • Set up your company “voice”. Create guidelines around the message you want to convey and how you want to convey it and provide training to anyone who will post from
  • If you would like individual employees to tweet from a personal account, create an official business account for that person (such as @YourCompanyCEO), so that they can keep it separate from their account for personal use. This will ensure that posts only about business are not interspersed with personal thoughts about vacations, weekend plans, politics, or cat videos.
  • Be open about the way your company monitors social media and stay current on the latest legal issues surrounding how personal social media activity can and can not affect employment.
  • Find ways of keeping a maintainable level of enthusiasm. Releasing info in shifts, or creating a content calendar can help you have a consistent presence long after the initial excitement wears off. Also, lead by example. If your social media lead shows a passion for it, it will be easier for the rest of the company to follow suit.
  • Review your policies on a regular basis (about every 6 months) to ensure your policies are effective and current.

Thanks Heather Lutze for the great training on Social Media do’s and don’ts.