10 Oct Social Media Etiquette: Twitter
Twitter is the ideal place for quick, short messages. Users post a variety of different things, from public conversations amongst friends, to up to the second updates from major events around the world. Many companies have found Twitter to be a convenient and comfortable place to interact directly with customers.
How can you best utilize 140 characters?
- Have a professional account set up
Do this for each of your trademarks, brands, products, or anything else that is affiliated with your company. You can choose to tweet separately from each account, send the same tweets from all accounts, or use the multiple accounts to direct back to your one “official” account.
- Give your account a professional appearance.
Have your background designed specifically for you, preferably with your logo and simple colors, in a design that is readable and easy on the eyes. Make sure that you include a call to action and your contact information in your bio.
- Consider attaching a real person to your account
Twitter users don’t want to talk to a logo, entity, or mascot. They want to talk to a real person. Use the picture of your head on social media, or the person actually behind the tweets.
- Be warm and engaging
If your twitter account is constantly sending out one-way communications and announcements, users won’t engage. Ask questions, interact, and respond to messages and tweets that mention you.
- Utilize hashtags
When launching campaigns, consider selecting one keyword or keyword phrase and use it as a hashtag in each of your tweets. It will make the conversation easier to follow and previous tweets searchable for people who join the conversation partway through.
- Have a plan
While Twitter does lend itself to spontaneity, the best campaigns are planned in advance. This gives your followers a cohesive message to follow. If your campaign could be affected by late breaking developments, leave room in your plans for unplanned news updates.
- Reward your followers
Twitter is a great way to give out promotional codes and coupons. You can also host contests utilizing retweets, hashtags or responses as a great marketing campaign.