24 Sep Social Media Etiquette: Why Your Website Isn’t Enough
Business on the web has expanded beyond the basic website. Customers are now seeking personal and authentic connections, most often found on social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Here are a few things you should know in order to put your best foot forward on social media sites:
- Social media sites are the modern day search engines. If you want to be found online, you have to have a social presence. Simply signing up for an account isn’t enough – businesses that post several times per week see the most return on their efforts.
- Traditional search engines are based on history, while social media searches are in real-time. Users are looking for relevant, up-to-the minute information. The most successful posts are relevant, time-sensitive, and audience-focused.
- Potential customers want proof of why they should do business with you. The new proof is coming from someone other than you – community input is key. Enable your customers to speak for you.
- Social media allows you to monitor the needs and wants of your audience and potential audience on a daily basis. Many Fortune 500 companies have created a new position with the goal of monitoring this information: the CLO, or Chief Listening Office.
- Social media provides multi-directional communication. People are more like to purchase a product or service when they learn about it in a discussion with a community of people, as compared to a static website with only one-way communication coming directly from the company.
- Social media gives your company a public personality. When you create your accounts think about the personality and message you want to convey and be consistent.
Let us know if you have any additional questions about Social Media Etiquette. We would be happy to help.