How You Dress = How You Are Treated

How You Dress = How You Are Treated

When I used to travel the world as an international meeting planner, I learned a simple truth. The more professionally dressed I was, the better I was treated.  If there was a  choice whether to upgrade me with my professional attire and another person with their sweat suit to first class, I always won the contest.  I also found that if there is a problem that needs negotiation between you and the airline personnel, the better dressed you are, the better chance you have of getting your result.

In an article from Southern Living Magazine which was published sometime in 2008, the author stated that she was begged by flight attendants to ask people to dress better when coming to the airport.  It seems that the service personnel including pilots, porters, bellhops, cabbies, waiters and other airline personnel are all wishing that the public would respect themselves more and dress to impress rather than for a nap.

We make a statement about who we are by how we present ourselves to others.  Dressing well is an easy method for better social and business success.