06 May People Skills are Face to Face Communication Skills
This video illustrates the crisis we are sharing now and which will only get worse in interpersonal communication. To have over 400 "Friends" and be lonely - to miss out on the richness of life for the sake of sharing the mundane of our existence;...
10 Oct Social Media Etiquette: Using the Appropriate Tools
Each social media outlet has its strengths, and to truly get the most return on your efforts, selecting the right tool is the first step. Think about your goals at both the big picture and individual campaigns levels. Leadership should provide the overarching mission behind the...
10 Oct Social Media Etiquette: How to Help, Not Hurt, Your Reputation
There are people out there, some call them trolls, who seem to have made it their life's mission to post negative things on the internet and social media. However, companies shouldn't allow the fear of these comments to keep them away from social media. Instead,...
10 Oct Social Media Etiquette: Rules for Corporate Online Communication
So, you've decided to enter the world of social media for business. Before you involve your employees, be sure to create the proper policies and set expectations. This will lay out the ground rules, which will ultimately ensure that the image you want portrayed is...
10 Oct Social Media Etiquette: Twitter
Twitter is the ideal place for quick, short messages. Users post a variety of different things, from public conversations amongst friends, to up to the second updates from major events around the world. Many companies have found Twitter to be a convenient and comfortable place...
24 Sep Social Media Etiquette: Why Your Website Isn’t Enough
Business on the web has expanded beyond the basic website. Customers are now seeking personal and authentic connections, most often found on social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Here are a few things you should know in order to put your best...
08 Jul Keyboards don’t make conversation
I had an interview today during which we talked about communication. Near the end of it we commiserated about electronic communication and its effectiveness. I hold the belief that if you are using a keyboard to engage in "conversation" with another, you are not truly...
21 Jun Texting while watching a movie?
OK - I will date myself by saying that when I was a teenager and went to the movies, I was actually interested in what was showing on the big screen in front of me. The only distraction I might have enjoyed was the popcorn...
17 Dec Face-to-Face Meetings Are Still Important
Even if you check Facebook today or any other social media portal, make it a point to meet a real person for a real conversation. It will be a better day for you and them....