
Protocol by itself is not a competitive advantage. It’s the professional application of protocol principles and techniques to a specific event that makes it a competitive advantage. How many times have you heard the question, “What’s the right protocol for this or that?” Not...

The foundation for building rapport is based on the exchange of a few basic communication signals. Here are 4 key ways to build instant rapport. This is based on the book, Get Along With Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere by Arnold Sanow and Sandra Strauss. 1. Smile. A...

I am grateful that I was a resource for the new iPhone application produced by the International Herald Tribune about international cultures and business.  This is an excerpt from an article which was published today in the IHT and New York Times.  - Cynthia Lett

Joseph Mark Munoz This book explores the topic of international social entrepreneurship. It focuses on current definitions, concepts, as well as methodologies pertaining to social entrepreneurship. Furthermore, it showcases real-life cases and stories of individuals and companies that have made a...

Frankly, buying a copy for everyone on your team might be the cheapest and most painless way for you to make sure you never have to find yourself in a situation saying, “That’s So Annoying!!”...

Everyone should be armed with this book from political leaders, executives, medical professionals, entrepreneurs, moms and dads and teenagers. Each of us does something annoying at one time or another. Why not identify it and fix it before somebody has to tell you....

You have the power to pick up the phone and call the person and have a conversation that doesn't include a keyboard. If you accept electronic communication as the main means for interaction then you can have no complaint when you are told by...

I have heard many pundits talk about the bow that President Obama made when he met Emperor Akihito and that it was too low and not reciprocated by the Emperor.   I have seen the photo of the greeting and it seems that President Obama was...

BWSmallBiz -- Etiquette October 9, 2009, 5:00PM EST text size: TT How to Work a Room with Ease Tips for networking among strangers Jan Feindt By Louise Lee Small Biz HUNGRY? If you arrive hungry or thirsty, hit the buffet first. Eat quickly, finish, and only then start working...